Friday, January 11, 2013

Top 5 Ways To Catch The Flu

In case you are feeling left out, because you haven't caught it  yet-try these techniques~

 Top 5 ways to get the Flu

Doctors at the University of Arizona ranked the top five ways people are catching the flu, and you may be surprised at where the germs are hiding.

5. Shopping Carts.

"I didn't know that. I know they always give you the wipes but I never really thought much of it" said Nicole Clark of Maryland.- Nicole, you're an idiot.  Okay, of course that's in the top 5.  ESPECIALLY because babies/small children sit in the little seat provided and we all know they are germ magnets.  And God knows how many other people have used that cart THAT day and DIDN'T wipe it down AFTER they grocery shopped.  And God forbid, if the last person who used that cart used the 'self checkout' lane ( wait until you see what #1 is).

4. Restaurant tables.

Although tables may look clean many times servers wipe tables with dirty rags. It's best to bring a baby wipe with you to clean the table yourself.

"I will not go anywhere without some anti bacterial gel for my hands" said medical student Patrick Burns.

3. Refillable Liquid Soap Dispensers.

Although they are meant to be clean--doctors say since they're in bathrooms fecal matter grow in the millions. If you use them--use hand sanitizer afterwards.- This was a BIG shocker for me.  I never connected a soap dispenser with germs- DUH.

2. Airplane Bathrooms.

It is a surprise that most bathrooms have germs. But airplane bathrooms are deemed the nastiest of all public restrooms. It's estimated that 50 passengers use one toilet per flight. And even though they are made of stainless steel, the virus can live for a period of time on these surfaces and be transferred to YOU.

1. Grocery Store Self Service Check Out Screens.

These screens designed to save time are heavily used and seldom cleaned.~ Gross and not one that I had ever thought of.

So there you have it~ that, my friend, is the best way to catch it.

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Wednesday, January 02, 2013


Mayor Buddy Dyer has commissioned the new  project:  See Art Orlando.  Designed as a public sculpture community project, it aims to enhance the aesthetic experience and cultural image of Downtown Orlando through the installation of iconic works of art throughout the city.

The great thing about this project is that See Art Orlando is a non-profit organization comprised of community leaders who represent a cross section of arts organizations, including United Arts, Downtown Arts District, Orange County Cultural Arts Advisory Board, City Arts Factory and Florida Theatrical Association.  PLUS~ 
Each installation will be underwritten by corporate sponsors and maintained by the City of Orlando without utilizing taxpayer dollars.  Fabulous idea.  

Many medium sized cities, such as Charlotte, have similar projects that draw tourists and citizens, alike, to experience these cultural pieces in an urban setting.  In Orlando, the common misnomer about our great city is that we have no culture- that all we have is "The Mouse".  So hopefully this will help put us on the cultural road map.  Looking forward to seeing these great works!  Below is a map of where the pieces will be placed.